Precautions we are taking to keep you, your animals and our practice safe.
To minimise disease risk and to enable the practice to remain operating, it is vitally important that you refer to the guidance below regarding precautions we are taking to keep you, your animals, the public and our practice safe and able to operate.
- Routine appointments: If you have a routine appointment, need to collect prescriptions or visit the practice, please do not enter the practice. Phone and wait for a member of the team to respond.
- Outdoor consulting sessions: Routine appointments and emergencies will be conducted outside of the practice where possible to do so.
- Stay in your vehicle: For routine appointments and visits to the practice, we are asking visitors to remain in their vehicles. Please do not get our of your vehicle until a member of the team has instructed and is ready to see you.
- Keep your distance: please step back and try to maintain a minimum two-meter radius where possible from all practice staff members.
- Prescriptions: call or email for instructions on the collection of prescriptions.
- Keep protected: Where possible please wear disposable gloves and thoroughly wash hands before approaching members of the team.
- Safe handling of animals: If you are infected by the virus or displaying symptoms, please make arrangements for an uninfected person to be available during visits to help with the safe handling of animals during procedures and when medication is being administered.
- Friends & family: try to plan ahead and make arrangements with friends or family to be available should the situation arise. Do not panic.
- Be open: Prior to the visit it is critical that if you have the virus or you are displaying any of the symptoms, the practice and attending vet is informed. This will ensure that we can formulate a suitable plan to attend your animal.
- TB Testing: At present we still plan to maintain TB tests to non- infected farms currently booked in until further notice, providing practice staff are available.
- BVA Guidance: We are waiting to be advised further on updates on TB testing going forward and will advise accordingly.